Simply let us know which ones are your favorite and we will store them for you. We have been helping countless individuals just like you with weigh-loss and control. We want you to feel better and Ideal Protein is the healthiest way to go. So, where are we located? We are just north of Toronto, in Vaughan, Jane & Hwy 7 is our largest intersection. Once you are here, you will feel welcome and you will be able to choose from our different protein products.
A lot of our Ideal Protein customers are health oriented and love fitness, that is why after purchasing they go for some exercising downstairs and afterwards, they help themselves to a delicious dish of IP. The program is very effective and you will see results right away! That is why we urge you to contact us today, give us a call or come by and check out our weight-loss clinic in Vaughan. We are open from Monday to Friday, 7 am to 9 pm & on Sundays, 8 am to 2 pm.
Please click here for more information about our clinic.
But, why should I choose Ideal Protein as my weight-loss method? You should choose IP because you want to:
- See fast results in your weight and physique
- Enjoy good tasting supplements and/or food while getting things done
- Follow a proven program with a great track record
- Choose from a wide options of food that is suitable for you
At Golden Gloves Fitness, we are always looking forward to be improving your health & wellness.