Wednesday, 11 January 2017

When to Sweat it Out?

At Golden Gloves Fitness, we like to sweat it out. But, lately, a new question has come about at our gym in Vaughan: if you're sick, should you sweat it out? Today's article is exactly about this question: when and where you should you workout if happen to be 'sick'. Being sick is a broad term, you can have a stomachache or the flu. In both cases you should take precautions. If you have a light stomachache because you might of ate something that your stomach did not like: working out lightly to sweat out the unwanted substances in your body is OK. Matter of fact once you get into your workout, you might even find yourself forgetting that you had a stomach ache in the first place.

But, if you have the flu, you should NOT work out. You should take it easy and let your body take on the flu for itself as it will need the energy to do so. However, stretching lightly will not do any harm. Stretching for about 15-20 mins might even make you feel better and allow your body to sweat out the flu out of your pores. Now, let's go back to the main question: if you're sick should you workout? In most cases, the answer is no and it depends on what is making you sick.

If you are feeling crappy because of bad nutrition, an effective workout will burn out all the unwanted substances in your body and clear your stomach for you to eat something better or healthier later, after your workout. Just a quick reminder: never workout after eating. If you happen to eat, wait at least 30 minutes before your workout. Generally speaking, it is better to eat something after your workout. If you are looking to increase your weight: smoothies are a great source to do that!

So, if you happen to be really sick don't workout but rather to a light stretch. If it is nothing serious, a workout might just distract you and your body for the sickness and make you feel better. It all depends, you know your body best. Some unwanted feelings suck anxiety, stress, and depression that can make you feel dizzy or 'sick' can also be treated with a good, well-balanced workout. If you have any questions or if you would like to get in touch, feel free to contact us today for more information.

At Golden Gloves Fitness, we are ALWAYS looking forward to make you feel better and making you look better. We would like to wish you all the best in 2017 and see YOU HERE.